27 february, 06:21
Cloudy skies have been the norm for the last few weeks... This waning moon was the first sight of her since february 8th... almost a mirror image to my last picture when i saw her last... but out of sight has not meant out of mind... as she has risen behind the clouds, so have my ideas... and as she re-appeard i took the step to open a shop to sell my photographs online... bringing myself out into the eyes of a different public... a mirror image of the reclusiveness i had been feeling...
27 february, 06:33
the moon drawn down to earth...
practical earth moving machinery & celestial mystery side by side...
reflections in water...
of heaven & earth....
ideas & ideals...
merging as night gives way to day...
7th march, 19:50
in the time in between
in the cauldron of dark moon
i stirred my desires
filled the pot with ideas
and breathed in the spark of new moon
7th march, 19:51
the faint outline of the moon lit by earthshine...
light reflected from our planet out into the heavens...
the bright crescent of sunlight reflected back to earth...
and the moon shines brightly in our skies...
a heavenly mirror...
a magical trinity...
My shop is on etsy & is called Lone Crow Photo...
& I've written a bit more about it, the name,
& a few treasuries with some gorgeous moon themed crafts