
Tuesday, 21 December 2010


17th december, 23:04

a misty sky, slightly obscuring the moon,
but as i watched a circle of cloud formed around her...
the same thing happened the night after
even though the sky was pretty clear apart from
a few strands of wispy clouds


i thought of the light circling outwards
and love... of how ripples spread out...
how thoughts and words circle out from where they start...
the coming solstice... how time circles...
a message here, circling out...

about how we all are a centre-point of light...
the importance of the stone that disappears into a pool
but the ripples keep spreading...
it's the words, the message, the love
that's important... to keep spreading & growing...
whether or not anyone knows we said it or sent it...


Anonymous said...

i love these, especially the circles in the second pic. and i love what you say about the 'spreading & growing... whether or not anyone knows we said it or sent it...'


taranova said...

mmm... it doesn't matter whether any one knows does it? good to see ya hunny x